About the Web Designer
My name is Dawn Burden Bates and I am a freelance web
designer. I have worked in the Information Technology field for
20 years. My experience ranges from desktop and server hardware,
several versions and types of operating systems, networking, web
design, programming, and troubleshooting.
I have seen the computer industry change by leaps and bounds
during the 20 years I have been absorbed in it. When I first
began using the Internet, it was a series of text commands and
connection speeds up to 2400 bps.
WOW, how things have changed. Most people own computers and
the majority that do, have high speed connections to the
Internet. Web sites have grown from huge industry only to every
person having their own presence on the net.
I'm here to help you, your group, your business
get caught up with what's going on
in the Internet realm. Allow me to
use my vast computer experience to
bring you into the 21st century.
me for more information on how I
can benefit you and your business.
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